Raison d’etre literally means “reason to be.” Sometimes, you just have to “be” instead of trying always to “do.”
Taking it Easy
We have simply been taking it easy in the Florida Keys for the past three weeks. In the past, our trips have always been about getting somewhere, achieving a goal, and reaching a destination. On this trip, we still have a destination in mind but have taken time to enjoy the trip and relax.

Visiting Friends
We had the opportunity to visit with several friends along the way. It’s funny how you have the chance to meet up with old friends a long way from home! Just catching up with people is fun and it’s so nice to connect again after so long on our own. Of course, we were able to meet new people along the way as well and learn from the experience of the many sailors we have encountered along the way.

Keeping up with daily tasks on the boat can be a challenge when you are on the go all the time. Going slow has been a blessing, giving us time to keep up with all our daily needs. Laundry is done in the galley sink and hung on lifelines to dry, a little slower process than throwing it in a machine to do the work! Cleaning is of course a necessity. We also have to scrub the bottom since we can’t find a diver who will travel along with us. Takes us an entire afternoon to scrub the hull between the two of us (hey, I have to take a lot of breaks because my arms get tired!)

Enjoying the Silence
One of the best things about being on the boat is the peace and quiet. Most of the time we have had anchorages to ourselves and rarely do we have noisy neighbors. Just taking time to relax and enjoy the scenery is a blessing.

Boat Problems
Of course, when we finally decided it was time to go somewhere, the stupid boat decided to act up. We found a hole in the exhaust from the generator and that has to be fixed before we go. So, we are stuck waiting for parts at the moment. I was upset when we figured this out, but I’ve decided that we are stuck in paradise where many people come on vacation as a destination…we will just enjoy our time here and be thankful for our blessings. As an added bonus, we have more friends coming to visit next week and will be spending Christmas in the Keys! Be here. Be present. Make the most of every situation and find the sunshine. As Nick always says “it’s about the journey, not the destination”.