Setting Sail!

Leaving Clearwater and A Dock

Happy Halloween! I can’t believe we are finally off the dock! The past few days have been crazy busy with last minute boat work, shopping and errands. Our plans to leave 2 days ago kept getting pushed back so we could get it all done. We did manage to get the new anchor and chain on the oil changed in the engine and brand new jack lines placed on the boat. It’s all cleaned up and ready to go. Finding a home for everything was challenging, but we got it all on board.

Brunch with the A Dock family

Leaving Clearwater is bittersweet. I’m excited about our new adventure and being able to travel. But in the two years we were in Clearwater, we made great friends and learned a lot about sailing and the boat. I will miss the people–our A Dock crew, my HCA family and all our friends. I know we will keep in touch.

Of course we had to start our trip motoring. It was late by the time we got off the dock and we have a 17 knot wind right on our nose. To make the Manatee River and our anchorage before dark, we have to motor. The iron horse has us chugging away at 7 knots into 1-2 foot seas, so it is a very pleasant ride.

Our anchorage in the Manatee River at DeSoto Point

2 thoughts on “Setting Sail!”

  1. Pingback: Returning to Clearwater Beach | Seeking Kokomo

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